Saturday, September 10, 2016


When deciding to write this account, I felt that there were years of memories and misunderstandings I needed to address. This account is my way of exorcising demons that have haunted me for years. I also felt that not enough had been written or published from the point of view of a person on the Autism Spectrum. I believed writing this account would be a good way to connect with people and combat the stereotype that people with Autism are emotionless robots who memorize obscure factoids all day.

I owe several people my gratitude.  To start, all the staff and students at the Vanguard School in Paoli, Pennsylvania, I am also indebted to many more friends who helped me along the way: Adrianne Harmon, Jim Lewis, Sabina Sloan, Erin Hewitt, Teresa Barone, Anna Trout, Christine Hayes, John Nurthen, Vic Sarro, Bill Apter, Myles Rothwell, Lee & Suzanne Gronikowski, Sean Gould and Eli Rosen for being the best musical collaborators one can ask for, Helen & Joe Rodolico along with Nicole Rodolico, Justine Rodolico and Steven Rodolico; Jane Cope; Lisa and Tony Saltzman, Ian Saltzman, Nick Saltzman and Madison Saltzman. And the many other people who have helped me in ways large and small.
And of course my wonderful family: my caring uncles and aunts: Roger & Nancy Jones, Joe and Doreena Callaghan, John and Donna Callaghan, Mary Gilbride, Kathleen and George Nasca , Pamela Herzig, Garrett Jones,  and Joseph Steficek.  Plus many cousins, Adam, Amanda, Andy Nasca, Andrew Jones, Anne, Becky, Ellen, Jason, Katie, Kristen, Matthew, Mark, Meghan Gilbride, Megan Korneke, Michelle, Nolan, Ryan, Stephanie and Tom, along with their spouses, Amy, Amy, Chris, Dan , Eric, Holly, Jason and Kristi, and their kids Eli, Elliot, George, Katie,Jackson, Joseph, Lyall, Madison, Margot, Monica, Simon, Steven and John 
Mostly I thank my parents Michael and Lorry Callaghan, and my brother Kevin.  And I dedicate this to the memory of the best grandparents in the world: Joseph and Frances Callaghan and Roger and Dolores Jones. I also dedicate this to my Aunt Peg Steficek (a truly great aunt) as well as to my Uncles Donald Herzig, and Ronald Gilbride, as well as my friend Lee Saltzman and my beloved dog Berkeley, it is because of the way you all lived your lives that I keep moving on. 
and Last but certainly not least to Julia for teaching me to accept myself as I am.


Sunday, June 12, 2016

Solidarity with Orlando

I feel I should say something regarding the horrible massacre in Orlando this morning. While I feel horrible after every mass-shooting in this country, This one is much more personal to me considering what I consider to be my spiritual home is near Orlando and as recently as last year I was considering moving down and living in the area. The fact that a majority of the victims were so young also bothers me. My heart is also troubled by some of the anti-gay rhetoric coming from certain circles. While I am not gay, my heart bleeds for my fellow men and women regardless of their sexual orientation. The thing that bothers me the most is I know either nothing or the wrong things will change after this incident so I just ask How much more of this can we tolerate these kinds of mass shootings as a frequent occurrence in our society.
Love & Mercy to everyone

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Brain Drizzle

I am happy to announce that me and my friend Josh Meere have formed a band called Brain Drizzle. Check out our reverbnation page.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Behind the drums with GoPro on Vimeo

You can also see my performance of Elton John's Don't let the sun go down on me filmed from my perspective with a GoPro Hero camera on Vimeo.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Behind the drums with GoPro

This is me performing Elton John's Don't let the sun go down on me on drums as seen from my perspective thanks to my trusty GoPro Hero Camera and chest harness.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Book Chapter titles

These are the names of the chapters of my book.
Introduction: Preparing for first grade
Chapter 1-The Early Years
Chapter 2-Public Elementary School and a new house
Chapter 3-1999 & 2000: The greatest years of my life
Chapter 4-Eleanor Rigby & the summer of 2001
Chapter 5-9/11, the end of Childhood & mentally challenged?
Chapter 6- the slow re-adjustment
Chapter 7-Heartbreak and self-discovery
Chapter 8-The Amazing turn-around
Chapter 9-In business!
Chapter 10-What happened?

Epilogue-Where to now?

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Book is done

After 4 years of development my book is now complete. We still have to find an agent and publisher but at long last  I have a completed manuscript ready to present. I cannot wait to share my story with the world.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Neuro Tribes: My Review

Last Saturday I purchased the book Neuro Tribes: The legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity by Steve Silberman. It has been difficult to put down since. The book is an authoritative look at the history of autism which explores  how understanding of it has evolved over time.
In my own upcoming book I detail how difficult my upbringing and education was, in Neuro Tribes  it details how many people with autism prior to recent decades  were institutionalized and treated as less than human which really makes me grateful I was born when I was. Sure, I have had my problems but for the most part have endured better than the abuse many autistic people faced before my time.

It also showcases the brave  people who refused to give up on their autistic children and successfully brought awareness to the level it is today. Though we do have a long way to go to full acceptance.I cannot recommend this book enough. It is the definitive book on the history of autism.